"Monomor Meghero Sangi" unfolds as a heartfelt celebration of innocence and artistry, performed by little children whose every movement radiates joy and wonder. This enchanting Rabindra Sangeet captures the essence of nature's rhythm, and the young performers bring its magic alive with their graceful expressions and playful energy, weaving a story of clouds, dreams, and melodies. ☁️
Brought to you by "Ghungroo," this performance is a tribute to nurturing the beauty of Indian dance traditions in the hands of the next generation. It’s a reminder of how art, when paired with the purity of childhood, becomes a timeless bridge to connect with our cultural roots. Let this piece inspire your soul and bring a smile to your face. 🌸
The institution also has completed a remarkable journey of 25+ years because of the hardwork and dedication put in building up "Ghungroo" ❤.
If you enjoyed this performance, don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe to our channel, Ghungroo, for more dance performances. Your support helps us continue our journey in sharing the beauty of dance. 💓
[The choreographies presented solely belong to the institution of Ghungroo. Please refrain from false claiming of choreography.]
Thank You 💞
Choreography Credits: @ghungroodanceschool
Video Credits: @ghungroodanceschool
Background audio credits: [ Ссылка ]
No copyright infringement of the songs intented. The songs are used for creative purposes only.
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