#wbw2023 #workingmom #newmom #breastpump #mistakes #trendingshorts #motherfeeding #breastmilk
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💥Pumping and Breastfeeding are 2 different mechanisms. While pumping, the stimulus might differ and the mother might end up pumping less milk than she actually produces and feeds during actual breastfeeding. A baby's latch is no match for a pump, it stimulates the mother in the best way to produce enough milk. Then, the anxiety ofthe mother to look at the output will cause the mother's stress hormones to shoot up disrupting lactation hormones. So measuring your supply with the pump output is a wrong thing to do. You produce enough if your baby is satisfied and pees 6 times or more per day, gain age appropriate weight.
💥 High suction ≠ High output
High Vacuum May Cause Damage to Your Nipples and Breasts. It may also cause a reduction in your milk flow. If the milk ducts are compressed, milk is unable to flow through them correctly and can lead to poor milk drainage. Use suction wisely, every mother is different and everyone's sensitivity is different.
💥 Soft breasts doesn't mean poor supply. It means that your supply has regulated according to your baby's needs. Many mothers start pumping when their maternity leave is going to be over, the same time when her supply starts regulating and then she mistakes soft breast for low supply, gets stressed and gets less pump output and it goes on ending up with formula.
💥 wrongly fitted flange or nipple
shield will cause poor output. This might cause damage of the nipples by friction if flange is too small. And might pull the areola into the pump damaging the milk ducts in there.
💥 everyone's needs are different. Pumping for supplementing needs less effort and can be done fewer time so selecting a hand pump or single electric pump will do the job.
But when it comes to pumping for stashing or exclusive pumping, the mother needs a good quality hospital grade double pump, which might as well be hands free to make it easy for her and reduce the strain involved every time she pumps.
If the mother has to pump in a working environment she will need a hands free pump with good pre-expression stimulation and suction, to enable quick and efficient output. Choosing the wrong pump will end up in stressing the mothers both physically and mentally.
Remember you are doing a great job.
you are ensuring your young one is fed and healthy. It's nothing less than breastfeeding ❤
Stay informed
Happy world breastfeeding week
Happy parenting
take care 🍫
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Breastfeeding Webinar,
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Lactation consultation,
please WhatsApp 7395969419
Vaishnavi Vijayakumar
Certified Childbirth And Lactation Counselor,
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