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0:00 - Tariffs and Devaluation and Why Tariffs are Passed
2:00 - Why Free Trade is Difficult to Promote
4:22 - Why Free Trade Won't Harm the Workers
6:35 - Free Trade, National Defense and Inflation
7:24 - Results of Free Trade and Tariffs
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Free Trade and Tariffs (Milton Friedman)
notaneconomistmilton friedman and free tradefree trade and tariffstariffs and devaluationregulation of tradetariffs and regulationstariffs and quotastariffs and quotas economicstariffs and quotas in international tradetariffs and quotas and their effectseffects of tariffs and quotastariffs quotas and subsidiesabsolute free tradeshould we remove all tariffsthomas sowellayn randfree trade and inflationfree trade and unemploymentnational defense