Luminarfilm has plans to produce an animated full-length film based on the original Czech fairy tale The Proud Princess by Bozena Nemcova, filmed by Borivoj Zeman in 1952. Based on the cooperation with producers Jindrich Motyl and Martin Ruzicka from Luminarfilm, together with director Radek Beran, we have created a teaser. Take a look!
Producer: Luminarfilm
Director & scenario : Radek Beran
PFX Supervisor: Jan Rybar
PFX Production Manager: Klara Petrsova
[ Ссылка ] is a leading full-service post-production studio in Prague, Czech Republic.
Based in the heart of Europe.
We work as partners on film productions, working closely with film and television creators, advertising agencies and producers. Our collaborative efforts result in outstanding content across various formats, such as:
Feature films
TV films and series
Animated films and series
Motion graphics content
Music videos
Sound design
We are open to collaborating on visual works which are either in development, production, or have already been completed. We pride ourselves on our professionalism, our team, enthusiasm, know-how, and state-of-the-art technology. We infuse every project we work on with creativity and innovation. We are PFX.
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