Josh joins Master beekeeper Mike Cullen for his final oxalic acid vaping treatment of his own hives using a fogger. This isn't a formally recognised method but Mike tells us about how he has come to find this method and why he favours it over the other methods he has tried and tested.
It is worth mentioning that vaping should be applied when the brood is at its minimum and applied over three to four weeks to treat any mites that may have been inside capped brood.
The fogger solution is 30 grams of oxalic acid to 100 millilitres of pure alcohol gently heated until clear.
Mike has been keeping honeybees since 1972 and these days manages multiple apiaries, each with between 5 and 8 colonies. He runs our regular courses in Beekeeping, from Beginners courses and Experience days to specialist subjects such as Swarm Prevention and control, and Queen Rearing.
He is the ex-chairman and current President of the Hastings & Rother Beekeeping Association. (H&R BKA), and represents the division on the Sussex Beekeeping Executive Committee. Furthermore, he is a member of the BBKA EXAMINATION BOARD and an examiner for the BBKA Basic and General Husbandry examinations.
00:00 - Intro
00:25 - Mike Introduces Himself
01:35 - Favoured Method
02:16 -Oxalic Acid Trickle Treatment
07:51 - Vaping Explained
10:04 - Traditional Vaping Method
14:34 - Fogger Method Explained
19:48 - Mixing Oxalic Acid In Alcohol
23:23 - Getting The Fogger Going
24:31 - Using The Fogger
28:27 - Conclusion
#mantelfarm #oxalicacid #BBKA
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