Thank you guys so much for watching. Again big thanks to all my pilots who have flown me around on Auraxis.
songs used:
Ascension - Kari Sigurdsson 0:00 - 3:19
Dystopia - Peter Crowley 3:19 - 7:52
This is my first montage that I have made on PC.
Created with MAGIX Video deluxe,2016,Premium,MAGIX,Video,deluxe,2016,Premium
Planetside 2 Dalton Montage
2016PremiumMAGIXVideodeluxePlanetside 2Planetside 2 PS4PS2PS2onPS4PS4MontageDaltonAircraftLiberatorGunnerCinematicDalton MontageAuraxisC150 DaltonBoBargeKillerkaktuspurpuraBosko92A2APredotahPredotahNCPredatorNCTachunxXPandaxPandaD4r7hP4dLiberatorPilotSchokoladeSpaceviolenceNewEraPA1NPAING0MLGOMLBLUEPPANWOFOLGEnglishBelly Gunrektfarmfarming10 minPlanetside 2 MontagePlanetside 2 PS4 Montageairflyingepicbattlefly