#picodojaragua is one of the highest points in the municipality of #sãopaulo , #brazil , rising to an altitude of 1,135 meters. It is located in the Jaraguá district, west of the Cantareira mountain range. In its surroundings, the Jaraguá State Park was created, for the conservation of the area. It is possible to ascend to its summit by an asphalted road (#estrada Turística do Jaraguá) and through the Pai Zé #trail (1,450 meters long). At the top, there are two large antennas, one for television (shared by 2 stations: #tvglobo São Paulo, #tvbandeirantes São Paulo and another for #tvcultura), in addition to small commercial facilities and parking spaces for vehicles. TV Bandeirantes, channel 13 (VHF) installed its antenna (from the English brand Marconi) and new amplifiers on Pico do Jaraguá in 1970, which allowed the people of São Paulo to better receive the signal for the transmissions of the World Cup games. of the 1970 FIFA World Cup, increasing its capacity to 200 kilometers. Also, it launched a promotional disc at the same time to announce the news to advertisers. Upon reaching the top, you have a view mainly of the western part of Greater São Paulo. You can also see the Mário Covas Rodoanel, at the back. Next to the television antenna, there is a large staircase that allows you to climb even further, flanked by a cable car that is intended for transporting people and materials for antenna maintenance.
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