20190518 124423 Visit to Museum of Historical Treasures of Ukraine in Kyiv on Museum Day / Золота пектораль (копія) в Музеї історичних коштовностей (Київ)
The Museum of Historical Treasures of Ukraine was founded in 1963 as "treasury", opened in 1969, renovated in 2004. The most famous exhibit is [a copy of] Scythian Pectoral
, mid 4th сentury BCE, found in Tovsta Mohyla tumulus near Ordzhonikidze, Dnipropetrovsk Region., 1971 excavations.
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The most ancient collections are the archeological finds, discovered in the Ukrainian territory mostly during the twentieth century.
There are various decorations of ancient people, their weaponry, horses harness, ritual vessels, etc. These original objects reflect the culture of the nomadic Cimmerians, Scythians and Sarmatians who ruled on the Ukrainian lands since the 9th century BCE till the 4th century CE. Many adornments were created for the nomadic elite by the goldsmiths from the Greek cities that appeared on the Northern Shore of the Black Sea since the mid 7th century BCE.
Since the 4th century CE the steppes saw a succession of Turkic tribes arriving from Asia. So the Middle Age collection houses the decorations of Huns, Avars, Khazars, Cumans and other nomads from the 4th - 14th centuries
The highlights of the Museum are the most ancient silver decorations of the Early Slavs (6th - 8th centuries) and the works by the goldsmiths of the Kyivan Rus (9th – early 13th centuries). There are also outstanding collections of Ukrainian Goldsmithery and the works by the goldsmiths of Russia from the 16th – early 20th centuries. The MHTU also houses magnificent collections of Silver Judaica and European Silver.
Music: Arkan, Circle dance of heroic Hutsul warriors, Ukrainian Hutsuls ([ Ссылка ])
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