Dedicated to 100th birthday of Mary Ferrell , the independent researcher of President Kennedy’s assassination..
On Friday, November 22, 1963, shortly after noon, President John Fitzgerald Kennedy had been assassinated in Dallas, TX. The next day a 41-year-old resident of Dallas, the legal secretary, and mother of four, Mary Elizabeth McHughes Ferrell (born 26 October1922), started her independent investigation of this crime putting the first file – the Dallas weekend newspapers – in her legendary collection that at the year of her peaceful death on 20 February 2004 had contained over 40,000 cards with information on 8,200 people involved in case. Also, she created the chronology of assassination in four volumes. She was born in Memphis, Tennessee, married Hubert “Buck” Fennell in 1940 and moved in Dallas in 1957. Mary Ferrell died at the age of 81 (22 February 2004) surrounded by friends and family.
In the same year was incorporated a nonprofit organization “Mary Ferrell Foundation” to continue Mary Ferrell’s enquire for the truth concerning assassinations of John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King. Presently, it is possibly largest searchable on-line archive on the assassinations of the 1960s. It contains over 2 million pages government records, hundreds books, essays, and multimedia, including the U.S. House Select Committee Final Report of 1979 with such a conclusion, “That President John F. Kennedy Was Probably Assassinated as a Result of a Conspiracy. The Committee is Unable To Identify the Other Gunman [Lee Harvey Oswald, assassin] or the Extent of the Conspiracy.” The Committee “believes” that not Soviet or Cubans Governments, nor anti-Castro Cuban groups, nor the National Syndicate of organized crime, nor the Secret Service, FBA, and CIA were involved. On December 5, 2022, U.S. District Judge John R. Thomson wrote a letter to President Biden urging full release of the remaining JFK records. - They may help establish the truth of Kennedy’s death.
A development on 16 December 2022: As BBC said: " President Joe Biden issued an executive order allowing disclosure, but said some files would remain classified until June 2023 because their release could cause specific harm. The US National Archives said 515 documents will remain fully closed, while another 2,545 documents will be partially closed." So the same 1963 gaming is continues.
On Friday, January 20, 1961, in his Inauguration Address President Kennedy declared, “Now the trumpet summons us again – a struggle against the common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease and war itself.” And it was not only brilliant words – America and world have been changed during his presidency. Under title “New Frontier” has been expanded civil rights, education, healthcare and decreased poverty in America and through the newly formed Peace Corps worldwide. Latin American countries started get $20 billion for the promotion of democracy and meaningful social reforms through the Alliance for Progress.
The newest frontier was a Soviet sputnik and a Soviet cosmonaut which being first in space. Kennedy encouraged American people and Congress to launch American astronauts first on the Moon. And it was executed in 1969. After a peaceful resolution of the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962, President Kennedy executing strategy of peace signed the Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty and opening the “nuclear hotline” between the White House and the Kremlin.
John F. Kennedy and First Lady Jacqueline were the staunch advocates for the arts; hosted numerous concerts in the White House and fundraised $30 million for building a National Cultural Center. President Kennedy appointed a real estate broker and producer Roger Lacey Stevens as a Chairman of the Board of Trustees. In this post for 24 years he was building, fundraising, and commissioning many new artistic works. Two months after President Kennedy’s violent death, the National Cultural Center by the Public Law 88-260 (Jan. 23, 1964) has been renamed to “John F. Kennedy Center of Performing Arts.” In September 1971, the Kennedy Center has opened to the public. Currently, the JFK gallery presented a new permanent exhibit “Art and Ideals – President John F. Kennedy.”
You welcome! Under music of Charles Mingus, Farewell, Farewell. -Vasili Sha.
Mary Ferrell is a spectacular woman. Having the big family and working responsibilities, she undertook the meticulous and unbiased long life independent research that encourages generations of investigators to establish the truth of the Kennedy violent death in November 1963. She performed an unprecedented feat that deserved to be perpetuated. I believe properly that at the 60th Anniversary of the John F. Kennedy's Assassination in Dallas, TX, should be opened a monument dedicated to Mary Elizabeth Ferrell; as a symbol of the human dignity, truth and love of common Americans embodied both in John F. Kennedy and in his postmortal friend Mary Ferrell.
Sunday, 11 December 2022.
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