Yeast overgrowth in the digestive system is a result of the gut bacteria being out of balance. And yeast begins to multiply because it likes sugar, and most people are craving sugar so yeast multiplies and they continue to crave sugar. The Skinny Gut Diet Program is designed to stop that, so once you start the program the yeast begin to die off because we’re adding in fermented foods and probiotics and good quality proteins, so the yeast levels go down, and people don’t crave sugar anymore. And that’s what we saw with all the people that we have worked with on this program.
Yeast Overgrowth and the Digestive System
Candida Albicans (Disease Cause)Yeast (Product Ingredient)Digestion (Literature Subject)Digestive Enzyme (Protein)Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (Disease Or Medical Condition)Gastroenteritis (Disease Or Medical Condition)Gastroenterology (Medical Specialty)Human Digestive SystemBrenda WatsonSkinny Gut DietProbioticsFermented Foodsfermentationsugarsugar-freecravings