When wildlife biologist Alexander Thorne receives a mysterious invitation to join a secretive government organization, he discovers a hidden world of cryptids and monsters living alongside humanity. But his first two missions with the Cryptid Intervention Task Force push him to the edge of sanity - from confronting an ancient intelligence in Lake Champlain to battling a crystal entity trying to absorb human consciousness deep within the Ozark cave systems. Some threats can't be solved with conventional science alone...
This story follows the CITF team as they race to prevent exposure of cryptid species while protecting both humanity and these incredible creatures. Featuring advanced technology, ancient tribal wisdom, and cutting-edge science in the fight to keep our world's biggest secrets contained.
Please note, this story featured here is an original creation. When I use stories from no sleep I will make sure I have full rights to narrate that story and give proper credit.
🔍 Keywords:
creepypasta, creepy story, creepypasta reading, creepypasta stories, horror stories, nosleep stories
🛑 Tags:
#nosleep #creepypasta #scarystoriesforsleeping #redditstories #scarystory
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