BT21 is a global character brand created by LINE FRIENDS in collaboration with the South Korean boy band BTS. Each character represents one of the BTS members and embodies their distinct personalities. The characters include Tata (V), Mang (J-Hope), Chimmy (Jimin), RJ (Jin), Koya (RM), Shooky (Suga), Cooky (Jungkook), and Van (representing ARMY, the BTS fanbase). They have become popular worldwide through various merchandise, animations, and collaborations.
#bts #btsforever #btsfunnymoments #btsedits
#bt21 #bt21cooky #bt21koya #bt21tata #bt21mang #bt21shooky #bt21rj #bt21chimmy #bt21universe
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BTS official - [ Ссылка ]
Bt21 - [ Ссылка ]
And to the respective other owners
In this channel we create BTS shorts with their funny moments infused with Some dialogues as a stress reliever, aiming to bring smiles without causing harm or fostering hate. Enjoy lighthearted moments with a touch of cultural flair, spreading positivity and laughter.😊
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