This video explores the abilities, powers, and origin of the Marvel Comics character "Ragnarok." From Tony Stark, Hank Pym, and Reed Richards cloning him from a strand of Thor's hair, his cyborg mind being able to control his adamantium and vibranium alloy hammer, his brutalizing the "Secret Avengers" and unexpectedly taking out Goliath during his first battle in Marvel's Civil War Event, first being destroyed by Hercules, being rebuilt several times, battling multiple superheroes and Thor for the honor of Asgard, to joining the Dark Avengers and being reprogrammed for membership in Luke Cage's Thunderbolts team; Let's take a look at this Marvel superhero / anti-hero, and powerful cyborg clone of Thor Odinson. This includes a short, canon character biography and my own opinionated "Sage Rating," which I use to give ratings of comic books and science fiction characters.
Who is Marvel's Ragnarok? Thor's "Terminator" Clone.
New SageMarvel ComicsMarvelMarvel Ragnarok characterRagnarok character originRagnarok character powersRagnarok character explainedRagnarok explainedRagnarok cloneRagnarok hammeradamantiumvibraniumThor cloneThor cyborgCodename LightningMarvel Civil WarAvengers Infinity WarThor vs RagnarokHercules vs RagnarokRagnarok kills GoliathThor vs HulkSecret AvengersDark Avengerscomic book charactersThor Ragnarok moviecomic book movies