We look at the astrology for Friday, January 3, 2025. The Moon is moving from Aquarius to Pisces and so is Venus. There is also an opposition aspect between Mars in Leo and Pluto in Aquarius. Having looked at the overall planetary picture we have forecasts for the 12 signs, followed by an I Ching reading. We then have a close look at the Mars-Pluto opposition, with some example charts.
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00:00 Introduction
00:36 The planets on January 3
13:35 Sign forecasts for January 3
13:48 Aries
22:30 Taurus
33:17 Gemini
40:37 Cancer
49:20 Leo
56:55 Virgo
01:02:12 Libra
01:09:01 Scorpio
01:16:12 Sagittarius
01:20:00 Capricorn
01:27:53 Aquarius
01:36:37 Pisces
01:43:19 I Ching reading for January 3
01:52:02 Mars opposition Pluto
01:57:22 People with Mars opposition Pluto
02:08:01 People impacted by Mars opposition Pluto
02:21:19 Mars, Pluto, Jupiter, Saturn
02:23:42 Wrapping up
Friday Jan 3 2025 astrology: ALL 12 SIGNS, Mars opp. Pluto
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