The WORST Hot Topic Funko Pop Shipping
I've purchased plenty of item from Hot Topic in the past. Shirts, Pins, Funko Pop's, Mystery Minis you name it. I've also bought every one of these items at least twice online! I've never had an issue with Hot Topic shipping, whether it was to the store or my home. This, however, is by far The WORST Hot Topic Funko Pop Shipping I've ever received. As collector's we deserve much better than this! Shame on you Hot Topic. Shame.
⬇️Here's my mailing info⬇️
Droobz Vids
P.O. Box 8955
Virginia Beach, VA 23450
Thanks for watching!
The WORST Hot Topic Funko Pop Shipping
#funko #hottopic #worstshipping #funkopops #funkopopshipping #fairytail #animefunko #droobzvids
The WORST Hot Topic Funko Pop Shipping
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