Weathercom measures meteorological parameters such as wind speed & direction, rainfall, visibility, UV-radiation, light intensity, temperature, humidity, pressure, etc. Through Weathercom, hyper-local meteorological parameters can be monitored in real-time, which can help to take on-time decisions in case of any natural hazard. Weather forecasting and predictions are possible through historical data and trend analysis, which can aid in timely warning/alert broadcasting. The equipment is easily installed with our plug-and-play feature, and solar panel makes it independent of any power source. It can withstand extreme weather conditions from tropical heat to arctic cold as well as extreme wind and rains. These features make Weathercom an ideal choice for comprehensive meteorological monitoring.
Why Weathercom?
Weathercom is an easy plug-and-play device. It monitors all the weather parameters – ranging from wind speed to flood. Weathercom can be combined with other Oizom products to improve their efficiency. Weathercom analytics creates Wind and Noise Rose Charts to display directional weather data. The device can be remotely operated which makes its installation possible even at remote locations.
Monitoring the hyper-local climatic parameters can help the farmers to take optimized farming decisions and take preventive measures for saving their crops against any imminent hazard.
Road Safety
Major road accidents are caused due to poor weather conditions. This can be prevented by cautioning drivers about the situation and setting up a dynamic speed limit as per the weather conditions.
Disaster Prevention
Real-time monitoring and historical data can help in predicting any forthcoming natural hazard. This can assist in taking precautionary measures to save lives and infrastructure damage.
Air Ports/Sea Ports
Observing meteorological parameters at ports can help in making data-driven operational decisions. The data can help to detect approaching storms or high winds and take the required decisions beforehand.
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