Dhoni, retired from international cricket in 2019, seems to be exploring newer avenues. Former Indian cricket captain MS Dhoni shared a video on his personal Facebook page. The video soon went viral on social media. The video is actually a short teaser of a graphic novel named 'Atharva: The Origin' which will be released as a web series. The series will not be like a typical serial with real-life actors. Instead, there will be graphic animated characters and it will be about a superhero named ‘Atharva’. In the first look clip, we see Dhoni in an animated avatar on a battlefield with his character fighting against a demon-like army. Atharva: The Origin is written by Ramesh Thamilmani and all the graphics have also been created by him. This series is produced by Dhoni’s production house Dhoni Entertainment. Dhoni’s wife Sakshi Singh Dhoni, is the managing director of Dhoni Entertainment. This is not Dhoni's first time getting involved with the entertainment industry. Everyone knows Dhoni's biopic - MS Dhoni: The Untold Story was released in 2016 and it turned out to be a huge hit. However, this time, Dhoni is entering the world of graphic novels, where he is playing one of the characters. It will be interesting to see how this Graphic novel shapes up. Dhoni is currently brainstorming with the Chennai Super Kings (CSK) to build a good IPL team for IPL 2022 as the IPL auction for IPL 2022 will take place in Bengaluru on February 12 and 13.
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