With good intentions, many make the mistake of taking rules into their own hands and arbitrarily picking and choosing what to do. However, if one genuinely wants to get closer to HaKadosh Baruch Hu and be righteous in His eyes, the intention is not enough, and he needs to serve HaShem in the way He wants.
According to the Holy Torah, different laws apply to Jews and Noahides, and one cannot play the role of the other. A Noahide cannot keep the Sabbath or do any mitzvah designated for Jews.
Why? Because that's how HaShem wants people to serve Him. If one wants to keep more, he can convert to be a Jew.
Join BeEzrat HaShem. Learn with Rabbi Lev Leib Lerner. Study Jewish ideology and halachos. Serve HaShem according to His rules.
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In this thought-provoking YouTube video, a passionate Rabbi addresses an important and often-controversial topic: the concept of being a holy Noahide. Opening with a warm "Baruch Hashem" and "Shalom Aleichem, friends!" greeting, the Rabbi delves into recent conversations with individuals who express a strong desire to lead righteous lives as Noahides. However, he raises a significant concern.
The Rabbi emphasizes the potential pitfalls of wanting to incorporate Jewish practices like observing Shabbat and praying from the Siddur. He warns that such aspirations can inadvertently lead to the creation of a new religion, drawing a historical parallel to the reform movement. Explaining how seemingly minor changes ultimately resulted in significant consequences, he underscores the importance of adhering to the core 7 laws of Noach.
The video serves as a poignant reminder of the need to maintain a sense of holiness without straying into uncharted territory, as this path could lead to religious transformations that might not align with one's original intentions. It is a call to all those seeking spirituality and holiness to stay true to their core values and preserve the essence of Noahide laws, without unknowingly drifting into uncharted religious waters. Join the Rabbi as he offers invaluable insights into the pitfalls of altering tradition in this engaging and thought-provoking discussion
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