Breaking News: According to the most recent updates coming from Mirror Now, Tamil Nadu governor RN Ravi will address the house today amid an uproar in the state. A few days back, Tamil Nadu Governor RN Ravi sparked a new round of controversy when he stated that the name "Thamizhagam" would be more appropriate than Tamil Nadu. He said, "Unfortunately, there has been regressive politics in Tamil Nadu, despite the fact that we are Dravidians and have been brought together by the Constitution. Every effort has been made over the last half-century to reinforce the narrative that we are not a part of the nation, that we are not an integral part of the nation.And even a new type of narrative has emerged. Tamil Nadu will say no to everything that applies to the entire country."
The DMK has now begun referring to RN Ravi as a BJP spokesperson and the party's second state president. The DMK is not leaving any stone unturned in its attempt to discredit RN Ravi. On the other side, the BJP took Ravi's side, saying that Dravidians were fooling the people of Tamil Nadu.
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