(english below)
U centru Beograda, između avgusta i decembra 1941. godine, postojao je logor poznat kao „Topovske šupe“ kroz koji je prošlo oko 5.000 jevrejskih i oko 1.500 romskih muškaraca. Svi su ubijeni. To mesto je dugo ostalo zaboravljeno, oronule zgrade nalaze se u privatnom vlasništvu, ali postoji i volja da se tu izgradi memorijalni centar.
„Topovske šupe“ je samo jedno od mnogih sličnih mesta u Evropi u kojima su stradali pre svega Jevreji i Romi, ali i mnogi drugi. Kroz onlajn diskusiju koja se će se održati u petak 9. i nedelju 11. oktobra želimo da predstavimo projekat „Mapiranje Holokausta – očuvanje logora Topovske šupe“ i da govorimo o jednom važnom aspektu koji povezuje to mesto sa drugim mestima u Evropi: pitanje mesta (ne)sećanja.
Nedelja 11. oktobar, 17 časova
- Poseta nekadašnjem logoru Topovske šupe
- Helena Baloun-Demer, Istorija moje porodice
- Razgovor sa Robertom Sabadošem, predsednikom Saveza jevrejskih opština Srbije i sa predstavnikom Ministarstva kulture i informisanja Republike Srbije o zakonu o memorijalu na Starom Sajmišu
In the centre of Belgrade, between August and December 1941, there was a camp known as "Topovske Šupe" (Artillery Sheds) through which about 5,000 Jewish and about 1,500 Roma men passed. They were all killed. That place has long been forgotten, its dilapidated buildings are privately owned, but there is also a will to build a memorial centre there.
"Topovske Šupe" is just one of many similar places in Europe where Jews and Roma but also many others, were killed. Through an online discussion which will take place on Friday, 9 October and Sunday, 11 October, we would like to present the project "Mapping the Holocaust - Preservation of the Topovske Šupe Camp" and discuss one important aspect that connect this place with other places in Europe: the question of the places of (non)remembrance.
Sunday, 11 October, 5 p.m.
- Visit to the former Topovske Šupe camp
- Helena Baloun-Demer, My Family History
- Interview with Robert Sabadoš, President of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Serbia and with a representative of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia on the Law on the Staro Sajmište Memorial
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