Looking for tips from thought leaders of the observability industry?
Observable lighting talks open the stage to three speakers sharing their experiences, recommendations, best practices, and more.
In this edition:
1️⃣ Frederic Branczyk - Profiling can be a powerful tool, but it often seems intimidating. Frederic will demystify the process, showing us how to decode flame graphs and leverage profiling data to enhance application performance. If you’ve been curious about continuous profiling, this session is for you.
2️⃣ Jamie Danielson - Automatic instrumentation is a great starting point, but how do you ensure it’s tailored to your needs? Jamie will guide us through fine-tuning instrumentation to ensure we get the most relevant telemetry without the noise.
3️⃣ Constanze B. Roedig—The landscape of cloud-native security is evolving rapidly. Constanze will introduce us to the Kubernetes Storm Centre, a new initiative aimed at democratizing threat-informed defense. Learn how to proactively test and improve your security posture by turning potential threats into opportunities to strengthen your defenses.
And if you have any questions for our speakers, you can ask them during the live panel discussion.
The event will be broadcast live on Linkedin, Twitch, Facebook, and of course Youtube.
For more details: [ Ссылка ]
Observable Lightning Talks September 2024
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