Ninja Hands: Using Many Hands to Improve Target Selection in VR
Jonas Schjerlund, Kasper Hornbæk, Joanna Bergström
CHI'21: ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
AR and VR - B
AR and VR - C
Selection and manipulation in virtual reality often happen using an avatar's hands. However, objects outside the immediate reach require effort to select. We develop a target selection technique called Ninja Hands. It maps the movement of a single real hand to many virtual hands, decreasing the distance to targets. We evaluate Ninja Hands in two studies. The first study shows that compared to a single hand, 4 and 8 hands are significantly faster for selecting targets. The second study complements this finding by using a larger target layout with many distractors. We find no decrease in selection time across 8, 27, and 64 hands, but an increase in the time spent deciding which hand to use. Thereby, net movement time still decreases significantly. In both studies, the physical motion exerted also decreases significantly with more hands. We discuss how these findings can inform future implementations of the Ninja Hands technique.
DOI:: [ Ссылка ]
WEB:: [ Ссылка ]
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