#guess #GUESSHandbags #loveguess
Go to Guess's website, Guess.com, to see if the handbag is featured if it is supposed to be from the current season. The site lists all of the handbags available for the current season, so if the bag you are considering is not on the website, chances are it is a fake.
Spotting a fake requires a bit of detective work for purses that are not from the current season. Start by checking the outside of the purse to make sure the stitches are tight and flawless. Shoddy stitching that is crooked or does not match the purse color is a dead giveaway that the purse was not really made by Guess.
Check the hardware on the purse, including the Guess logo on the outside of the handbag as well as the zippers. All of the hardware should look the same as other authentic Guess handbags (visit their website to see what they look like). The zippers on the bag should also have "Guess" written on them. Outer zippers lacking a Guess logo are another sign that the bag is likely a fake.
Look inside the purse to check out the lining. A real Guess handbag will always be lined in fabric--usually a cotton twill or similar fabric. Many fake handbags are not lined at all. Fake handbags with lining are usually made with a thin, cheap fabric liner that is almost translucent and feels flimsy and papery to the touch.
Check the label on the inside of the bag, or lack thereof. All designer handbags, Guess included, have their label sewn into the inside of their handbags. The label is usually located just under or just above the inside zipper pocket of the purse. Fake handbags are made cheaply and quickly, and most knock-off manufacturers do not spend the time and money required to sew in the inner label.
Since Guess handbags range in price from $50 to $150, last season's handbags can be found new at lower prices. A low price does not automatically mean that the bag is not authentic.
When in doubt, simply ask the seller if he is an authorized Guess distributor and gauge their reaction. Unauthorized sellers might balk at the question, or will become suspicious and stop the sale.
New Guess handbags feature a manufacturers sticker on the packaging or swing-tag. Check that the style number is correct by entering it into Google and seeing if the handbags shown match this one.
New Guess handbags come with a dust-bag in a variety of colours and styles. For example: white with the 'Guess' logo in red across the front; brown with the letters GC and Guess Collection in pink.
New Guess handbags come with a dust-bag in a variety of colours and styles. For example: white with the 'Guess' logo in red across the front; brown with the letters GC and Guess Collection in pink.
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The 'Guess' logo is featured on the inside of most Guess handbags on a tiny piece of metal near the inner zipper. Check the Guess logo and that any stitching is evenly spaced and neatly finished.
The 'Guess' logo is featured on the inside of most Guess handbags on a tiny piece of metal near the inner zipper. Check the Guess logo and that any stitching is evenly spaced and neatly finished.
New Guess handbags feature a tag inside detailing style number and manufacturing information. Check that the style number matches the number on the packaging sticker.
New Guess handbags feature a tag inside detailing style number and manufacturing information. Check that the style number matches the number on the packaging sticker.
Check the stitching on a Guess handbag very carefully. It should be straight, evenly spaced, neat with a clean finish.
Check the stitching on a Guess handbag very carefully. It should be straight, evenly spaced, neat with a clean finish.
Where featured on a Guess handbag the hardware will be made of solid metal and will not flake or chip. Some pieces may be engraved and if so the engraving will be clean with a high quality finish.
Where featured on a Guess handbag the hardware will be made of solid metal and will not flake or chip. Some pieces may be engraved and if so the engraving will be clean with a high quality finish.
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