6-months ago I bought a 3D printer to mess around with my 4 and 6-year-old kids. I wasn’t sure if they would know what to do with it.
But they’ve had a good time learning about computer-aided design (CAD) and making all kinds of cool things. Some there own creations and some things found from thingiverse.com
Our favorite free kid-friendly CAD program by far was [ Ссылка ] it’s such an awesome piece of software and really easy to use, with some initial guidance even my 4-year-old could use it.
I didn’t let my kids actually do the printing. I always did it for them, although they always removed the print when it was done. I think the 7-year-old could do it all himself now.
I was really hoping the printer would let their wild uninhibited imaginations come to life and maybe some hitherto unthought-of invention pop out, but alas none of that has happened yet. Maybe when they are 10 and better designers.
I think it’s a lot of fun for kids this age, but it may be better suited for kids 10 and up, especially if you aren’t available to guide them through it.
Ender 3 Pro: [ Ссылка ]