This video outlines five different speciation processes that lead to new species.
It answers the question: how do new species arise?
Five different speciation processes or mechanisms are presented:
(1) Allopatric speciation.
(1) Peripatric speciation.
(1) Sympatric speciation.
(1) Parapatric speciation.
(1) Hybrid speciation.
Examples from nature and the lab for each process are discussed. These examples include Drawin's finches, snapping shrimp, sticklebacks, Drosophila, little greenbulls, hawthorn flies, cichlids, and dolphins.
EvolutionExamples website:
[ Ссылка ]
#speciation #allopatricspeciation #parapatricpseciation #sympatricspeciation #peripatricspeciation
========academic citations========
Darwin's finches phylogeny:
[ Ссылка ]
Snapping shrimp study:
[ Ссылка ]
Stickleback review:
[ Ссылка ]02579-X
Drosophila peripatric experiments
Sympatric: [ Ссылка ]
Peripatric: [ Ссылка ]
Punctuated equilibrium:
[ Ссылка ]
Rhagoletis apple maggot flies:
[ Ссылка ]
Lake Massoko cichlids:
[ Ссылка ]
Little greenbull:
[ Ссылка ]
========music and video credits========
All music and video is believed to be in the public domain, available under a CC-0 or CC-by-SA license, or obtained under paid license from or
Sources/credits for music:
From Audioblocks: Onyx
Sources/credits for video:
From Videoblocks: dolphin swimming
========image credits========
All non-original images are believed to be in the public domain, available under a CC-0 or CC-by-SA license, or obtained under paid license from Additional images used under a "fair use" interpretation
Images from eight animals on first slide.
Images from Pixabay: green apple
Fair use and other: Maps from Google maps, finches ([ Ссылка ]), Snapping shrimp ([ Ссылка ]), Sticklebacks (Green, [ Ссылка ] - Brown, [ Ссылка ]), Hawthorn fly (, cichlids ([ Ссылка ]), Clymene dolphin ([ Ссылка ])
Speciation Processes | How do new species arise?
evolutionadaptationspeciesspeciationspeciation mechanismsspeciation processesmodes of speciationallopatric speciationperipatric speciationsympatric speciationparapatric speciationhybrid speciationreinforcementWallace effectallopatryperipatrysympatryparapatryrhagoletisapple maggot flysticklebackdarwin's finchessnapping shrimplittle greenbullclymene dolphineast africa rift valleyAshley Carterbio 312hawthorn flyconcept of species