Kotri Barrage is situated 3 miles North of Hyderabad City. The project was sanctioned a few months before the dawn of independence in 1947. The Head works, were completed in 1955, and the left bank no perennial canals received weir controlled supplies the same year while Akram wah (Perennial) was made operational in 1958. On the Right Bank one single canal, Kalri Bagar Feeder off takes and it started functioning for first time in year 1958.
Four feeder canals, three on the left and one on the right bank of River Indus off-take from this Barrage and deliver assured Irrigation Water supplies for an area of 3.0 million acres. The feeder on the right, namely, Kalri Bagar Feeder has a unique designed where the Keenjhar Lake forms the integral Part of the canal system.
The Kalri Bagar Feeder upper puts its water at the Northern end of Keenjhar Lake, whereas Kalri Bagar Feeder draws its supplies from Southern end of the Lake at Chillya. This Feeder fives Irrigation supplies to an area which is partly designed to receive perennial supplies and partly seasonal supplies. It is major sources of perennial water supplies for the Metropolis of Karachi. Due to humid climate, Kotri Barrage command area is most suited for sugar-cane and Banana crops and both these crop area showing an ever increasing trend.
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