The parkers is an American sitcom show that was aired on UPN network from August 1999 to may 2004 . the sitcom the parkers was a spin off on the UPN sitcom show Moesha . the show was created by Ralph Farquhar, Sara V. Finny and Vida spears and ran for 5 consecutive season with 110 amazing episodes. The Parkers revolve around a mother who wanted to peruse her dreams in education but had to drop out after he found out that she was pregnant. The mother Nikki, returns to school with her daughter Kim and they end up graduating together. their relationship, as mother and Daughter evolves to roommates as collage students. Many years have passed and the show, the Parkers still remains one of the best sitcom shows of the early 2000s. the sitcom, the parkers had many cast members and, in this video, will feature some of the cast members who died in real life such as Yvette Wilson, Thomas Mikal Ford, Lamont Bentley, Suzanne Douglas, Nancy Wilson, and Isabel Sanford.
#Theparkers #WhoDied #SuzanneDouglas
6 Actors From THE PARKERS Who have Died
moeshathe parkerscelebrities6 Actors from THE PARKERS Who Have DIEDTHE PARKERSparkers full episodesthe parkers cast member diesthe parkers cast then and nowdead celebritieswho dieddead actors from the parkersripdeadcountess vaughnkim parkerYvette WilsonThomas Mikal FordLamont BentleySuzanne DouglasNancy WilsonIsabel Sanford