Tractor of the Year 2019 - Case IH Maxxum 145 Activedrive 8 | TractorLab
Case IH Maxxum series tractors:
Case IH Maxxum 150 Multicontroller
Case IH Maxxum 145 Multicontroller
Case IH Maxxum 135 Multicontroller
Case IH Maxxum 125 Multicontroller
Case IH Maxxum 115 Multicontroller
Case IH Maxxum 150 CVX
Case IH Maxxum 145 CVX
Case IH Maxxum 135 CVX
Case IH Maxxum 125 CVX
Case IH Maxxum 115 CVX
Case IH Maxxum 145 Activedrive 8 is the WINNER TRACTOR OF THE YEAR 2019
Tractor of the Year 2019 - Case IH Maxxum 145 Activedrive 8
Case IH Maxxum 145 ActivedriveWINNER TRACTOR OF THE YEAR 2019WINNER TRACTOR OF THE YEARTractorLabCase IH Maxxum 150 MulticontrollerTRACTOR OF THE YEAR WINNERCase IH Maxxum 145 Activedrive 8Case IH Maxxum 150 CVXCase IH Maxxum 125 CVXCase IH Maxxum 135 CVXCase IH Maxxum 145 MulticontrollerCase IH Maxxum 115 CVXTractor of the Year 2019Case IH Maxxum 145Case IH Maxxum 145 CVXCase IH Maxxum seriesTractor of the YearMulticontroller