There has been progress in reaching cross-border equivalence and substituted compliance determinations – most recently, with trading venues in the EU and US – but much more remains to be done. With the final Basel capital measures set to be transposed into local regulations, the issue is likely to come to the fore once again. How can regulators and the industry solve the cross-border puzzle once and for all?
Moderator: Scott O’Malia, Chief Executive Officer, ISDA Michael Davie, Global Head of Rates, LCH Michael Gill, Chief of Staff, Commissioner Giancarlo at U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission Kazunari Mochizuki, Director for International Financial Markets (Settlements), Japan Financial Services Agency Dr. Kay Swinburne MEP, Vice Chair of the Economics and Monetary Affairs Committee, European Parliament Petr Wagner, Finance Counselor, Delegation of the European Union to the United States Clare Woodman, Global Chief Operating Officer for Institutional Securities, Morgan Stanley
ISDA AGM 2018: How Do We Complete the Cross-border Puzzle?
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