The Entire Cell Saga | Dragon Ball Z Manga
Following the events of the Namek Saga, life returns to normal for the Earth's defenders—until the sudden reappearance of a cybernetically-enhanced Frieza bent on vengeance. Just as the Z-Fighters prepare for battle, Trunks, a mysterious Super Saiyan teen, shows up and effortlessly defeats Frieza. Upon Goku's return to Earth, Trunks unveils his identity as a time-traveler and warns of impending doom: deadly androids that will annihilate the Z-Warriors and lay waste to Earth. He adds that Goku is destined to die from a disease before the androids arrive, though he's brought a remedy to change that fate. With this, the Z-Fighters begin rigorous training to thwart this new threat, only to encounter unforeseen challenges and enemies, making this their most perilous ordeal yet.
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The Entire Cell Saga | Dragon Ball Z Manga
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