Taj Mahal original name was Tejo Mahalaya, Ancient Siva Temple built in 1155 AD
Taj Mahal is a white marble structure located in Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India. It is believed to be built by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his third wife, Mumtaz Mahal, but there are multiple proofs to prove it wrong !
Taj Mahal is a corrupt form of the sanskrit term Tejo-Mahalay signifying a Siva Temple. Agreshwar Mahadev i.e., The Lord of Agra was consecrated in it.
The tradition of removing the shoes before climbing the marble platform originates from pre Shahjahan times when the Taj was a Siva Temple. Had the Taj originated as a tomb, shoes need not have to be removed because shoes are a necessity in a cemetery.
The term Tajmahal itself never occurs in any mogul court paper or chronicle even in Aurangzeb’s time. The attempt to explain it away as Taj-i-mahal is ridiculous.
The ending “Mahal” is used for hindu palaces and is never muslim because in none of the muslim countries around the world from Afghanistan to Algeria is there a building known as “Mahal“.
The unusual explanation of the term Tajmahal derives from Mumtaz Mahal, who is buried in it, is illogical in at least two respects viz., firstly her name was never Mumtaj Mahal but Mumtaz-ul-Zamani and secondly one cannot omit the first three letters “Mum” from a woman’s name to derive the remainder as the name of the building.
Since the lady’s name was Mumtaz (ending with ‘Z’) the name of the building derived from her should have been Taz Mahal, if at all, and not Taj (spelled with a ‘J’).
The tradition of removing the shoes before climbing the marble platform originates from pre Shahjahan times when the Taj was a Siva Temple. Had the Taj originated as a tomb, shoes need not have to be removed because shoes are a necessity in a cemetery.
Taj Mahal original name was Tejo Mahalaya built in 1155 AD
If one observes history, Mumtaz-ul-Zamani (3rd wife of Aurangzeb’s father Shahjahan) died in 1631 AD, and it is said that it took 22 years to build the Taj.
Then the present Taj must have been completed in 1653 AD. Then how did Aurangzeb order repairs for absorbed water through seepage and leaking walls in 1652 AD ?
He definitely ordered to repair an old building through his letter found in recorded in at least three chronicles titled ‘Aadaab-e-alamgiri ‘, ‘Yaadgaarnama ‘and the ‘ Muraaqqa-I-Akbarabadi ‘ .
If Taj was a new building, there would no doubt not be any need for such extensive repairs like the roof be opened up and redone with mortar, bricks and stone.
Taj was originally built in 1155 AD by Raja Paramardi Dev and a Sanskrit inscription too supports the conclusion that the Taj originated as a Siva temple.
Wrongly termed as the Bateshwar inscription (currently preserved on the top floor of the Lucknow museum), it refers to the raising of a “crystal white Siva temple so alluring that Lord Siva once enshrined in it decided never to return to Mount Kailash his usual abode“.
That inscription dated 1155 A.D. was removed from the Tajmahal garden at Shahjahan’s orders. Historicians and Archeaologists have blundered in terming the insription the `Bateshwar inscription‘ when the record doesn’t say that it was found by Bateshwar.
It ought, in fact, to be called `The Tejomahalaya inscription‘ because it was originally installed in the Taj garden before it was uprooted and cast away at Shahjahan’s command.
A wooden piece from the riverside doorway of the Taj subjected to the carbon 14 test by an American Laboratory, has revealed that the door to be 300 years older than Shahjahan,since the doors of the Taj, broken open by Muslim invaders repeatedly from the 11th century onwards, had to b replaced from time to time. The Taj edifice is much more older. It belongs to 1155 A.D, i.e., almost 500 years anterior to Shahjahan.
Badshahnama (Chronicle of Shah Jahan) proves that Taj Mahal was not built by him
Above picture is a copy of two pages from the Badshahnama, the history of Shah Jahan, the so-called builder of the Taj Mahal. This is from the Government of India’s National Archives, and available from the institutional libraries dealing with the medieval history of India.
This is supposed to have been written by the emperor’s chronicler, the Mullah Abdul Hamid Lahori. It describes the site of the Taj Mahal as being full of majestic and lush gardens just south of the city (Agra). It goes on to say that the palace of Raja Mansingh, which was owned by his grandson Raja Jaisingh, was selected as the place for the burial of the queen Mumtaz. This means, of course, that Shah Jahan never built the Taj Mahal but only acquired it from the previous owner, who was Jaisingh
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