In 2023, India made history by successfully landing on the other side of the moon with its Chandrayaan-3 mission. This achievement marked a huge milestone for the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and showcased India's growing capabilities in space exploration. The mission aimed to study the moon's geology and search for water ice, which could be crucial for future lunar missions. Scientists and the public alike were thrilled with the wealth of data and stunning images sent back. This accomplishment has ignited even more excitement and ambition for India's future space endeavors!
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Clementine lunar orbiter: Tim Evanson - [ Ссылка ], [ Ссылка ]
D-Shape moon rock: Rama, [ Ссылка ]
NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center
NASA/Johnson Space Center
NASA Charles Conrad Jr
NASA’s Artemis I Moon Mission
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We Finally Visited the Other Side of the Moon
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