In a horrific incident, took place in the city of Guntur in Andhra Pradesh, an engineering student was brutally murdered on Kakani Road in the city. An unidentified assailant stabbed a young woman to death and fled from the scene. The incident took place at Paramayakunta on Kakani Road where a young man attacked a young woman in the broad daylight. After receiving the information, the police shifted the body to Guntur Government Hospital. The deceased was identified as a third-year BTech student of a private college.
Meanwhile, the body of the student was examined by Urban SP Arif Hafeez. Police are searching for the accused around the city. More details regarding this incident are yet to be known.
The police found six stab wounds on the abdomen and throat during the attack. Police have seized the cell phone of the murdered young woman. Police believe that mobile would provide key information in the murder case. Police suspect that if she had been in contact in the past, the love affair would have led to the murder.
However, her friends said that according to the details given by the police, they did not see such a person. With this, the case is now coming to a standstill after her phone was locked. Parents and relatives of the student are shedding tears and demanding immediate arrest of the killer and punish him.
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