In the spring of 2021, James P. Axiotis funded the first launch of the PWB event–a dinner hosted in the heart of Los Angeles–and it was a hit! He saw the impact of these dinners and how flawlessly the organization was forming into an amazing group of talented and professional individuals. He went on to fund five other dinners and daytime events hosted at international film festivals across Europe, including Venice, Cannes, and London. This was our last dinner of 2021—five dinners, seven events, four countries.
#ProducersWithoutBorders #producers #jpaproductions #networking #international #producerlife #jamespaxiotis #producer #royalautomobileclublondon #pwb #KayvanMashayekh #producers #jpaproductions #networking #international #producerlife #jamespaxiotis #producer #PWB
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