In an exclusive conversation with Mamaraazzi, Sonu Sood talked about his upcoming release, ‘Fateh’ for which he has donned multiple hats right from being the producer, director and the lead actor. The actor who has been the philanthropist India Medes during the lockdown till now talked about several aspects of his upcoming film and personal life. From giving a solid stand on ‘Fateh’ being compared to ‘Animal’ to giving his two cents on the fake friendships and transactional relations in the industry, Sonu bared it all. He also talked about how production is a thankless job and his experience on working on Fateh where he gave 3 years of his life to make this film. The actor also talked about why Fateh would remind every Indian of their own stories and even remembered his mother’s words which inspire him till date. See the whole flowing conversation here…
#SonuSood #Fateh #Exclusive #actor #director
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