Watch India's Biggest Turn Around story. If you had spent Rs 1,00,000 to buy Shares in Eicher Motors @Rs.18/- share in 2001, the company that makes Enfield bikes, your investment will be worth Rs 4 Crore now. Hindi story of Siddhartha Lal who was all of 26 when he took over as CEO of Royal Enfield in 2000. #royalenfield #eichertruck #yashtv
One big decision Lal made based on his love for Enfield. It was 2004. Lal was 30 and had just taken over as the COO of Eicher group. The group had a diverse spread of about 15 businesses including tractors, trucks, motorcycles, components, footwear and garments, but none of them was a market leader.
Lal undertook an intense portfolio analysis and took a hard call. He decided to divest 13 businesses and put all money and focus behind Royal Enfield and trucks, two businesses where he believed the group had a genuine shot at leadership. In his mind the basic question was this: do we want to be a mediocre player in 15 small businesses or just be good in one or two businesses
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