Title: Towards a digitally enabled personalised construction safety training framework for O&M construction projects
Authors: Wakefield, James (1); Doukari, Omar (1); Martinez Rodriguez, Pablo (1); Kassem, Mohamad (2)
Affiliation: 1: Northumbria University, United Kingdom; 2: Newcastle University, United Kingdom
Keywords: BIM, Construction Safety, Personalised Safety Instruction, Smart Construction Safety Technologies, LMS
Session: Education, Policy, and Standardisation
Paper Link: 10.35490/EC3.2023.302
Abstract: Construction site safety remains a major global concern, not only from a human cost perspective but also from an economic perspective. As efforts continue at pace to improve the sustainability credentials of the as built environment via the refurbishment and retrofit processes, the safety of those responsible for such is increasingly being brought into focus. This paper reviews existing technology enabled construction safety mitigation research. The paper then presents an Ontological Conceptualisation Model which proposes four construction safety domain concepts before exploring the domain concepts and the relationships between them.
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