A cringe-fest of a documentary that attempts to perform analingus on the course I study and the college I study at, but falls flat on its face at practically every corner. Thanks to Ashley Ainsworth aka derelictCHEESEBURGER for presenting, script in hand, wearing his finest death metal t-shirt.
Music by David Lowe/Vibe Music (title sequence) and Edmund Butt/SATV Music (ambient track) - all rights to these pieces belong to the originators as well as the research used, which is "not just randomly picked things, lots of different things."
#derbycollege #btecmedia #josephwrightcentre
OLD: "The New Film Makers" (BTEC Level 3)
btecbtec level 3btec level 3 mediarfrob francismackemediaaim awardsaim awards level 2 mediabedesunderland collegederbyderby collegethe new film makersjoseph wright centreunit 27factual productiondocumentarycringedavid loweedmund buttfarah mirzaeast midlandsenglandsouth englandjosef wojcikderelictCHEESEBURGERderelict cheeseburgerashley ainsworth