Sandra Kalniete (PPE). – Godātais sēdes vadītāj! Ukraina ir un būs piederīga Eiropai. Mums ir jāapzinās, ka kopš Krievijas iebrukuma Ukrainā Eiropa dzīvo kara ēnā, taču atšķirībā no ukraiņiem mēs esam drošībā, mūs nenogalina, nav jāslēpjas pagrabos no raķetēm un jābēg no mājām, tāpēc šķiet nepiedienīgi sūdzēties par inflācijas un dzīves dārdzības pieaugumu. Atteikšanās no dažām dzīves ērtībām ir mazākais, ko varam darīt, lai Ukraina uzvarētu karā un Eiropā atgrieztos ekonomiska normālība. Neviena no vadošajām Eiropas un pasaules finanšu institūcijām šobrīd neprognozē Eiropas Savienības ekonomikas recesiju. Pat pēc vissliktākā scenārija paredzams, ka inflācija grozīsies ap 2 %, turpretī Baltijas valstīs pašlaik tā ir ap 12 %. Iznāk, ka mazāk turīgo valstu iedzīvotāji kara dēļ šobrīd nes daudz lielāku nastu, nekā turīgās valstis. Jo ilgāks būs karš, jo vairāk būs cilvēku upuru, bēgļu un ekonomisko grūtību, tāpēc es apelēju pie Eiropas valstu valdībām rīkoties ātri un apņēmīgi, lai paātrinātu kara beigas. Lai uzvarētu, Ukrainai ir iespējami ātrāk jāpiegādā smagie ieroči pietiekamā daudzumā un jāapmāca karavīri tos lietot, kas jau notiek. Jāpastiprina Eiropas Savienības sankcijas pret Krieviju, tostarp nosakot pilnīgu naftas, ogļu, kodoldegvielas un gāzes embargo, un jāpārtrauc finansēt Kremļa kara mašīna. Ar lielām finanšu injekcijām ir jāpalīdz Ukrainas kara ekonomikai. Pēc Starptautiskā Valūtas fonda vērtējuma nākamajos trijos mēnešos katru mēnesi būs nepieciešami ap 5 miljardiem dolāru. Ir jādomā par nākotni. Starptautiskajai sabiedrībai, institūcijām ir jārada finanšu fonds kara izpostītās valsts atjaunošanai un jāsagatavo Ukraina dalībai Eiropas Savienībā. Katram eiropietim ir jāsaprot, ka Ukraina šajā karā nedrīkst zaudēt, jo Krievijas uzvara nozīmēs Eiropas sakāvi.
#eudebates the unique initiative aiming to promote debate, dialogue, knowledge, participation and communication among citizens. #Ukraine #Russia #Energy #Putin #Embargo #sanctions #Putin #OIL #Rubles
Embargo on Russian oil and its derivatives. It is the proposal that the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, presented to the European Parliament this Wednesday, without providing details on an issue that has been delaying the expansion of sanctions: how to solve the veto of countries such as Hungary and Slovakia , perhaps through exceptions that have not yet been officially announced. This Wednesday the 27 ambassadors to the EU will meet to discuss the sanctions package before its final approval by the governments.
“Today we are presenting the sixth package of sanctions”, said Von der Leyen before the plenary session in Strasbourg: “First of all, we will make a list of high-ranking military officers and other people who committed war crimes in Bucha and who are responsible for the inhuman siege of the city of Mariupol. This sends another important signal to all the perpetrators of the Kremlin war: we know who they are and they will be held accountable.”
“Secondly”, he continued, “we removed Sberbank, by far the largest bank in Russia, 37% of the sector, and two other major banks from the SWIFT system. With that, we hit banks that are systemically critical to the Russian financial system and Putin’s ability to undertake the war effort. This will cement the complete isolation of the Russian financial sector from the global system.”
“Third”, added the head of the Community Executive, “we are vetoing three large Russian state chains from our waves. They will no longer be allowed to distribute their content in the EU, in any format, be it via cable, via satellite, the Internet or mobile phone applications. We have identified these television channels as mouthpieces, aggressively amplifying the lies and propaganda of [Vladímir] Putin [presidente ruso]. We must not let them spread these lies. In addition, the Kremlin has consultants and advisers in Europe. And this will now end. We are prohibiting those services from being provided to Russian companies.”
The President of the European Commission also explained: “When the leaders met in Versailles [a mediados de marzo]They agreed to phase out our dependence on Russian energy. In the previous sanctions package, we started with coal. We are now addressing our dependence on Russian oil. Let’s be clear: it won’t be easy. Some Member States are highly dependent on Russian oil. But we have to work on it. Now we propose a ban on Russian oil from Europe. This will be a total import ban on all Russian oil, by sea and by pipeline, crude and refined.”
In this sense, Von der Leyen has stated: “We will make sure to do it in an orderly manner, in a way that allows us and our partners to secure alternative supply routes and minimize the impact on global markets. That is why we will phase out Russian oil supplies six months from now, and refined products by the end of the year.
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