Sign up for my FREE Passive Income Masterclass [ Ссылка ] if you want to learn my unique system to creating true passive income with real estate, reduce your financial risks, and remove the day-to-day hassles of being a landlord - Benefits Of Attending A Conference
In this video, we will talk about the benefits of attending a conference. The first and very important one is the content, the things you will learn from the conference. This event is hosted by Tony Robbins, a big inspiration for me, I always tell people to be a lifelong learner, keep educating yourself, because learning has no age limit.
Second would be connections, in whatever industry you are trying to build a business into, connections will help you big time. You can get more connections when you attend work or business related conferences. People that are lifelong learners they show up at a whole bunch of different events, you see the same people over and over and that's how you build a relationship with them. It is great to be with people who have the same interest as you and you get to share different things, that you can also take a lesson from it. I know so many people from around the globe who were going to so many events for the last five or six years, I see a lot of familiar faces and a lot of times I meet people and there's a piece missing to the puzzle in their business or in their life. I always go there networking to see who I can serve, who I can connect them with, who I can add to their puzzle to take some of the missing pieces and add it to what they're doing so I can add value to them. When you start to do that, people, of course, you're gonna get a reputation for being somebody helpful, people always are going to hang out with you, and they will send people to you back and so it's just phenomenal.
Third reason would be is if you want to share your knowledge and I think everybody should share their knowledge, I love watching what other people, how they present from the stage seeing what connects with me, what doesn't connect, what resonates, what doesn't resonate and allows me to be a better speaker, allows me to create better content for you guys and share what I'm learning and it's very very important to keep going, keep learning, keep networking, it's usually important and most of all when you get to see something like Toni Robbins. That stuff will change your life, people like Tony Robbins, Brendon Burchard is another person who I love, getting to see these guys on top of their game, they're changing lives like crazy and just to be in the presence of them and the people they attract and other like-minded people is gonna allow you to get to the next level whatever you're doing.
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Benefits Of Attending A Conference
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