Today we are checking on the herd! We start off by looking over our dry cows and heifers on the backside of the farm. Then it is back to the yard where we check on the youngstock. Specifically the brown Swiss twins. Lastly we are in the dairy barn and help finish milking cows. Thank you all for watching! Let's get back to making pies!
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Dairy Farming and Grazing Cows On A Small Family Farm!
FarmingAgricultureBrown SwissSwiss CowsCowCow GenetiecsFamilyLife on the farmDay to day life on the farmCattleCowsCattle CareCattle healthlivestock groomingToolsFencing ToolsBarbed WireFenceFencingcattle groomingHappy CowsCows on PastureGrass FedCows GrazingCattle managementDairy cowsFarm tourHeifer barnDry Cow BarnCattle BarnBarn Set UpDairy FarmGrazingDrinking CupsCattle barnsFeeding CattleGrazing cattle