Here is an in-depth video discussing the various anatomical and aerodynamic attributes of bird wings, specifically those of birds of prey! I shall explain how these enable birds to fly, and the different factors influencing flight in relation to changes in wing shape and loading. I will also examine 3 separate groups of raptors known in falconry for their unique wing shapes and flight styles!
#birds #bird #aves #avian #aviandinosaurs #raptor #velociraptor #trex #nonaviandinosaurs #dinosaurs #wing #wings #wingspan #wingloading #winganatomy #anatomy #anatomyandphysiology #aerodynamic #aerodynamics #flight #flying #aerobatics #stoop #dive #birdsofprey #raptors #predatorybirds #predator #owls #carnivore #hunt #hunting #pursuit #chase #adaptation #falconry #hawking #eagle #eagles #goldeneagle #broadwing #buteo #soaringhawks #buzzard #buzzards #commoonbuzzard #redtailedhawk #redtailedbuzzard #soaring #falco #falcon #falcons #gyrfalcon #peregrine #peregrinefalcon #worldsfastestbird #worldsfastestanimal #speed #highspeed #fastflying #slowflying #barnowl #silentflight #feathers #plumage #hawk #hawks #truehawks #accipiter #shortwing #longwing #goshawk #sparrowhawk #rapid #agile #osprey #vulture #hawking #falconryterms #birdwings #howbirdwingswork #aviananatomy #birdanatomy #raptorbiology #flightbiology #flightmechanics
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