這條片是教大家如果當你有腰椎狹窄的時候有什麼動作可以做有什麼動作就要避免的. 我們首先簡單說一下什麼是腰椎狹窄?.其實腰椎我也經常說有五個的椎位, 在側邊這裡個空間神經線就在這兩邊出來的, 就會去到我們的左右腳, 如果是脊椎孔狹窄就是說這些空間神經線出來的出口位因為可能是退化, 椎間盤的突出和有骨刺就會影響了神經線的出口位個空間變窄, 會夾著神經線影響我們的腰痛腳痛和腳麻的. 腰椎狹窄除了說脊椎孔狹窄之外其實在中間那個椎管也是因為退化或是骨開始磨損和勞損多的時候就會令中間個椎管的空間好窄 令到中樞神經線通過時候就會壓著神經, 就會影響病人雙腿會麻痹雙腿會拉住和腳痛. 有時候會拉著, 病人走一會兒已經走不了......
This video is talking about lumbar stenosis. Which movement should do and don't. Let’s explain what is lumbar stenosis. There is five lumbar vertebrae. On each vertebrae there is an opening on the side. The spinal nerve exiting out from each side, then runs to left and right leg. Spinal stenosis form when the spinal opening is degenerated and spinal nerve exit out from here is impinged by herniated disc or bone spur. Will cause the nerve opening getting narrower. Compress on nerve and trigger low back pain and leg numbness. Beside foraminal stenosis, the middle of the spinal canal also degenerated. Or the bone degenerated, wear and tear condition will cause the spinal canal narrower, crowding the central spinal nerve affecting patient bilateral leg numbness and pulling sensation. Sometimes the leg pulling prevent patient to walk....
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#bodyperformance Stretch Trainer Bruce
Disclaimer: The content and information provided on this video is for reference only and does not replace medical assessment or professional treatment. Please consult registered chiropractor or registered medical doctor for inquiry
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