If I could give an advanced tip to lower tier players who want to get one step closer to Overwatch League level gameplay it would be this. Start using Junkrat's trap as a RADAR. For enemies? No. For Symmetra and Torbjorn turrets. If you go for that YOLO strategy of landing behind enemy tanks and start taking mystery damage from three directions you do not have time to look around for those turrets. And if you want to reach Overwatch League heights the first thing you need to do is survive, right?
Time to drop Junkrat's RADAR and get out of dodge. The Symmetra and Torbjorn turrets will start blasting away at that cute little bear trap, revealing their locations to you AND your teammates (You're welcome, Genji).
Those beautiful blue beams will be Junkrat's guide to where to lob grenades to make a safe space for your sensitive teammates.
Place the trap and a mine on a payload and crouch below them as you escort it. It will be like a Junkrat bug giving him an extra 125 HP! Hey, if Blizzard won't buff Junkers I will.
This is just one in a series of advanced Junkrat guide vids. Study this gameplay and level up your own.
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Are You Using Junkrat's Trap Wrong? Probably, Mate.
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