Course Code : BCS-111
Course Title : Computer Basics and PC Software
Assignment Number : BCA (I)/111/Assignment/2024-25
Maximum Marks : 100
Last Date of Submission : 31stOctober, 2024 (For July Session)
: 30thApril, 2025 (For January Session)
Question 2: 7×4=28 Marks
(a) Why do you need virus detection software? What are their drawbacks? What are the
techniques to identify a virus? List any 4 latest virus for desktop systems.
(b) Consider that you have to run several computer programs simultaneously on a computer. Each
program takes input from a file and output information on a printer. How does different
components of an Operating system (like memory management, I/O management, Process
management, file system and user interface) will help in execution of these programs.
(c) Explain the differences between procedural programming and object oriented programming
with the help of one example program of each.
(d) Draw a flow chart of a program that adds N even numbers starting from 1. The value of N
should be input by the user.
(e) List the elements of a programming language. Explain the terms data type, expression,
assignment; and logical, relational and equality operators with the help of an example each.
(f) What are the phases of project development in which project management software can help.
Explain with the help of examples.
(g) Explain the following with the help of an example/diagram, if needed:
(i) Development Model for Open Source Software
(ii) Tools for program development
(iii) Use of functions and Macros
(iv) Database and Database Management System
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