Dawang has been with us for 6 years now. From a tiny puppy the size of a palm, he has grown into a majestic dog weighing a whopping 75 kilograms. It's truly incredible! Watching Dawang grow little by little, enjoying his carefree days of swimming and playing in the village, and making many doggy friends along the way has been a delight. They say love nurtures the soul, and throughout these 6 years of his journey, Dawang has been our family treasure. He's not only adored by our eldest sister, Axia, but also cherished by our dad, mom, grandpa, and grandma. We hope that in the next six years, Dawang will continue to grow healthy and spend each day in happiness
Hello, everyone. I am Dianxi Xiaoge, a Yunnan local. Welcome to the new channel of Dawang and me. If you like Dawang as well, please do subscribe. I’ll post some daily footage of Dawang in the village from time to time. Hope you will find Dawang adorable and like him just like us.
#大王 #puppy #dianxixiaoge #pets #puppies #dog #dogs
Cute Dawang is 6 years old now! | 可爱的大王6岁啦~【阿盆姐家的大王】
狗狗滇西小哥petDawang大王阿盆姐宠物dog阿拉斯加犬阿拉斯加犬跌倒宠物狗狗狗歪頭聲音狗狗叫聲宠物犬养宠物大型犬宠物日常田园生活治愈乡村寵物寵物狗寵物犬養寵物寵物日常田園生活鄉村Dawang's lifelifealaskan dogpet doglarge dogpet dailyidyllic lifeDianxiXiaogeĐiềnTâyTiểuCaDianxiXiaoge's lifeDawang with DianxiXiaogeApenjie滇西小哥日常的生活阿盆姐和大王的日常阿盆姐的宠物滇西小哥的宠物大王是什么种类的狗狗大王是阿拉斯加犬吗世界上最大的狗狗怎么养一只阿拉斯加犬The largest dog in the worldhow big is the Alaskan doghow to get an Alaskan dog