(S)pozaba kaprice / Irena Tomažin
V (S)pozabi kaprice avtorica odda svoj glas zapisu spomina, posnetku, ki je bil pozabljen, shranjen v nemosti telesa. Na mesto praznega prostora struktura zamolčanega zariše telo izginevanja in vznikanja.
Prazen prostor je treba šele vzpostaviti, tako kot tišino. Izriše se z (neslišnim) glasom. Ta deluje kot horizont, kamor se vpišejo ostali.
Je glas, za katerega se zdi, da ne obstaja, ker je neslišen in samoumeven. Glas prostora.
Vanj je vmeščen glas, ki se je enkrat že uglasil in se izpel. Deluje in je prisoten samo kot spomin na nekaj preteklega, na nekaj že dovršenega - kot posnetek, kot nekaj napol izbrisanega, iznakaženega, premeščenega.
Je glas, za katerega se zdi, da ne obstaja, ker je stvar preteklosti.
Glas spomina.
Z njim si deli prostor in ga sooblikuje glas, ki na licu mesta vznika, se zapleta med luknjami spomina in izginja v tem, ko pušča sledi, ko pušča zaznamovano tišino.
Je glas, za katerega se zdi, da ne obstaja, ker z vznikanjem že izginja.
Glas telesa.
Koncept, koreografija, Irena Tomažin
Oblikovanje zvoka, glasba: Mitja Reichenberg
Oblikovanje svetlobe: Jaka Šimenc
Scensko oblikovanje: Marko Brdar
Producent: Maska Ljubljana
Koproducent: Festival Mesto Žensk
In (S)pozaba kaprice / Caprice (Re)lapse the dancer surrenders her own expression to the record of memory which - although forgotten - has been stored in the muteness of the body. Within this empty space, the structure of the concealed writes of a vanishing and re-emerging body. Vacant space, in much the same manner as silence, has yet to be established. It is depicted by (an inaudible) voice which operates as a horizon on which other voices register.
It is a voice that seems not to exist, because it is inaudible and taken for granted. The voice of space. Incorporates the voice which has already been articulated and has faded away. It works and is present only as a memory of something past, something finished and as a record, something semi-erased, mutilated, relocated. It is a voice that seems not to exist because it is a matter of past. The voice of memory. Shares a place with and is influenced by the voice which emerges from the same point, becomes entangled between the holes of memory, and leaves behind traces and disrupted silence when it disappears. It is a voice that seems not to exist because it ceases to exist while emerging. The voice of body.
Concept, choreography: Irena Tomažin
Sound design, music: Mitja Reichenberg
Light design: Jaka Šimenc
Set design: Marko Brdar
Produced by Maska Ljubljana
Coproduction City of Women festival
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