Two local Mazus have embarked on their annual march from Miaoli to Yunlin. Their palanquin burst out of Gongtian Temple early Monday morning, embarking on a nine-day journey. Nearly 180,000 pilgrims are following the Mazus this year, setting a new record.
This flowery palanquin carries Shanbian Mazu from Houlong Township. As she has for centuries this time of year, the goddess heads to the Baishatun Gongtian Temple to meet the local Mazu. After their ritual encounter, they are placed on the same palanquin and rushed out of the temple gate at 1:11 a.m. on Monday.
Together, they lead a parade of nearly 180,000 pilgrims, setting a new record. The procession is now on a nine-day trek to Chaotian Temple in Beigang, Yunlin. By Monday afternoon, the procession had arrived at Yuanli, Miaoli. It made the rounds in the neighborhood.
It stopped at Yuanli’s vegetable market, which was destroyed by a fire five years ago and has since struggled to rebuild.
Liu Yu-yu
Yuanli Township head
It warms our heart that they came to our market’s construction site. It’s a tremendous morale boost.
Mazu devotees include the Chen family, whose three children were in a serious car accident.
Great-grandmother to Chen siblings
We ask the Mazus to save them. My dear little ones, you have to come back.
The palanquin is set to pass through Shenkang, Changhua on Tuesday. The Chens plan to kneel at the site of the accident, to seek protection for two sisters still in a coma.
On Feb. 23, the three Chen siblings were struck by a car while crossing a road after school. The two girls remain in critical condition. The older sister opened her eyes several days earlier, but the younger girl’s condition has yet to improve.
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