This video explores the abilities, powers, and origin of the DC Comics character "Mister Freeze." From Dr. Victor Fries cold nature beginning in his tumultuous early years, growing to become a polymath genius in multiple fields of science with a penchant for cryogenics, obsessing over reviving the first person to undergo cryogenic stasis named Nora Fields, briefly working for Bruce Wayne as a researcher at Wayne Tower Laboratories, developing advanced quick-freeze technology and a powerful exoskeleton armored suit after an accident altered his physiology to need sub-zero temperatures to survive, to dedicated his life to causing havoc for Batman after Bruce shut down Victor's research program; Let's take a look at this classic DC supervillain, and the most cold-hearted member of the Batman rogue gallery. This includes a short, canon character biography and my own opinionated "Sage Rating," which I use to give ratings of comic book and science fiction characters.
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