You can join other birders in the "Watching Birds through Migration" birding class offered by CCBC, Spring 2023. This video describes the continuing education class that consists of one class session and six 3 hour field trips to birding hotspots in the Baltimore area.
Beginning Bird Watching
PDV 335
Learn how to find, identify and catalog birds you observe with firsthand experiences at local sites. Using phone apps and field guides for identifying birds, create your own personal life list of birds you observe. Gain experience in using a waterproof and close-focus 8-power roof prism binoculars which can be purchases at an educational discount at the first session. The first and last classes will meet in a classroom and the other 5 sessions will meet at local birdwatching sites.
COST: $91
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Continuing Ed 2022-2023 Term
CRN Register Seats Days Times Date Location
35073 Register 16 W 8:30 - 10:30 AM 4/19/2023 - 5/31/2023 Owings Mills TBA
Watching Birds during Migration
FIT 054
Learn to use field guides and cell phone apps to identify birds and keep a list of your observations at local area parks. First class meets to discuss details. Recommend appropriate clothing for weather, hiking boots, backpack, small binoculars (optional), water bottles, and insect repellant. Space is limited.
COST: $169
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Continuing Ed 2022-2023 Term
CRN Register Seats Days Times Date Location
35349 Register 12 S 11:00 - 1:00 PM 3/18/2023 - 3/18/2023 Hunt Valley H 126
S 8:00 - 10:45 AM 3/18/2023 - 3/18/2023 Off Site Extension
S 8:00 - 11:00 AM 3/25/2023 - 6/3/2023 Off Site Extension
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